Trading chickens for geckos?

It’s time to update my friends. It’s not easy for me to write that the glass studio will take a break but this is what is happening.
In 2004, same year as little Tyra was born I started fiddling around with glass. Tyra meanwhile has grown into a young lady that claims to be taller than I am, the fiddling around with glass grew as well into something more than a hobby. 
Over the years I’ve created a variety of things using glass, sold pieces, donated pieces and made sure my daughters could grab a last minute gift – quickly from the studio. I had fun!
Looking back at all the things I’ve created I noticed that what I remember most are not the glass pieces – it’s the people I’ve met along the way. It has helped me in so many ways. Thank you for supporting me, taking my classes, wearing my jewellery, shopping for Christmas gifts already in summer and listening to me talk with my weird german accent!
As I’m pretty sure most of you already know – I will keep the story short:
For one last time we are moving away. The house will be rented, the studio doors closed (unless you get a hold of my daughter Jay – to open these) and in just 3 years we will return – My husband should be very close to retirement, I might get some chickens again and my youngest daughter Tyra will be almost done with high school, she is the only one moving with us to Hawaii. Jay Ryan plans to stay in the Valley and Joyce is heading to the big City called Vancouver. 
Lucky me gets to go to Hawaii, learn about the empty nest syndrome and so much more – all at the same time. Yes, it will be an adventure!

As H. Havelock Ellis said: 
“‎All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”

My travel date is September 1st. Please stay tuned as I’m planning to post more updates with photos via social media. And yes, feel free to stop and come for a visit to the studio. It’s beautiful out in the country right now!
Best wishes, hugs to all.